Is Sustainability Rocket Science?
by J. Marty Anderies
School of Sustainability and School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
President Elect of the international Association for the Study of the Commons
Director of the Center for Behavior, Institutions & the Environment
Professor School of Sustainability, Arizona State University.
by J. Marty Anderies
School of Sustainability and School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
by Xavier Basurto
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
by Harini Nagendra
School of Development, Azim Premji University
by Hita Unnikrishnan1,2, Harini Nagendra2, Vanesa Castan Broto1
1 Urban Institute, The University of Sheffield
2 Azim Premji University, Bengaluru
by Anushri Narayan Visweswaran1, Hita Unnikrishnan1,2, and Harini Nagendra1
1 Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India
2 Urban Institute, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
by Richa Kandpal and Izuru Saizen
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan
by Amrita Sen and Harini Nagendra
Centre for Urban Ecological Sustainability, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru
by Luisa Galindo
University of Massachusetts Amherst
by Mamona Sadaf
International institute of Islamic Economics, Pakistan
by Ilona M. Otto, Jonathan F. Donges, et al.
by Rimjhim Aggarwal, Marco Janssen (presenter), Michael Schoon, and Skaidra Smith Hieisters
School of Sustainability, Arizona State University
by Tatiana Kluvankova1,2, Susan Baker3, and Veronika Gezik2
2 CETIP Network
3 Cardiff University
by Martin Spacek1,2, and Milan Husar1
1 Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
2 Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava
by Seth Frey
Communication Dept, University of California, Davis
by Shann Turnbull
International institute for Self-governance, Sydney, Australia
The Commons Video Contest is for 3-minute videos that aim to communicate commons research to a general public. For a detailed description of the contest please follow this link. Below you can find the 20 entrees we received for the contest. In order to define the winning videos we asked IASC members to express their preferences for their 3 favorite videos. The resulting ranking helped the judging panel to select the winning videos.
Polling closed at 6:00 PM MST (UTC -7) on November 25, 2018.
by Coley Curry, graduate student at Arizona State University, working towards her MFA in dance. Winner of the Commons Video Contest organized by the International Association for the Study of the Commons in November 2018.
by Marcel Bandur
by Coley Curry
by Vanya Bisht
by Cobi Frongillo, Maxine Gunther-Segal, and Ainsley Brosnan-Smith
by Dominik Fischer and Mark Prenrecaj , and Ainsley Brosnan-Smith
by Liza Hoos and Xavier Basurto
by Elias Wechsler, Andreas Lüem, and Yakub Karagülle
by Kaja Schmid, Rowena Kuonen, and Leandra Ferrario
by Ryan Powell and Pierre Eliott Buet
by Skaidra Smith-Heisters, Marco Janssen, and Dane Whittaker
Arizona State University, Center for Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, School of Sustainability, and Graduates in Integrative Society & Environmental Research
by Carlos Gonzaga
Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (State University of Midwestern) – UNICENTRO – Campus Irati, State of Parana, Brazil
by Georgia Nicolau
Instituto Procomun, SESC Research and Training Center, São Paulo, Brazil
by Yahua Wang
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
In this discussion forum you can address issues with conference attendees unrelated to a specific video presentation. Examples of discussion topics: What are questions you have to other participants on research or methods? What common themes do you observe among the presentations? What do you think about the videos of the video contest? What is your impression about the first IASC Virtual Conference?