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This video is about “Brazil’s Commons Seminar: The Faxinal Tradition” which was held at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (State University of Midwestern) – UNICENTRO – Campus Irati, State of Parana, Brazil. The video shows images of the two sessions of the event. In the afternoon, for a public of graduates of the Community Development Program there was a lecture about Commons governance by Prof. Antonio Hocayen da Silva. It was preceded by an opening with the the Campus Director, Prof. Afonso Figueiredo Filho, Prof. Carlos Gonzaga, the Seminar Chair and Prof. Luis Mascarenhas, Head of the International Office at Unicentro. The night session was attended for more than three hundred undergraduates, graduates and faculties members of Unicentro. The opening had the presence and message of the Unicentro President, Prof. Aldo Nelson Bona, and the explanation about the Commons World Week by Prof. Carlos Gonzaga. The program included a live musical piano-guitar-soprano performance, highlighting natural Commons, with Villa-Lobos classical compositions (not in the video). It was followed by a roundtable on the challenges facing the typical agricultural Commons in the southern region of Brazil, known as Faxinal. In the roundtable was interdisciplinary, with the following Professors: Silvana Moreira (Agronomy), Marcelo Barreto (Geography) and Jose Campigotto (History). The mediator was Prof. Raquel de Matos (Administration).