Having received over 820 abstracts for next year’s IASC2019 Conference in Lima, Peru, the IASC already welcomes proposals for IASC2021, the XVIII Biennial Global Conference of the IASC. IASC Biennial Conferences bring together commons scholars and practitioners from around the world.
The benefits of hosting these conferences for your organization include an expanded network of both global and regional commons scholars, substantial organizational capacity building, and a major opportunity to place a spotlight on the needs of people dependent on commons in your region. The past few conferences have drawn 450-800 participants, from up to 90 countries.
Proposals should be submitted before February 15, 2019 via iasc@iasc-commons.org.
Interested? Download the call with all details here (Wordfile).
For more info, please contact IASC President-Elect Marco Janssen or the IASC-Secretariat